Brother Knights of Council Number 3908,
Thank you for your vote of confidence and support during the last election of officers.
During my seven years as a Knight I was fortunate to have Grand Knights (both serving as well as former) that were interested in educating me in the mission and direction of our council.
During my term as Deputy Grand Knight I had one on one discussions with Brother Knights whose opinions I valued about the key areas that we most need improvement.
The number one area where we are lacking is in recruitment. Last year out of 96 councils in the state of Kentucky, 108 members passed into eternal life. Eight of those Knights were members of our council.
We need to increase the participation of existing members. We need to change the perception that the only reason to attend one of our functions is to work hard and make money. We need to make participation more enjoyable. One way to do this is to encourage family friendly functions.
I invite anyone who reads this to recommend ways to reach these goals. Input from non-participating members as to reasons why they no longer attend meetings will be especially helpful. Responses can be sent to [email protected]
Vivat Jesu
Dave Berkemeier, Grand Knight
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